Become a Partner



Our commitment to growing the area's sporting legacy is made possible through our partners. A partnership with us would mean building a greater national and international sports presence, joining us on our mission to create a positive economic impact and improve the quality of life for the sports community.

To inquire more information on becoming a partner, please contact Orange County Sports Commission's Senior Director, Anthony Brenneman.

We look forward to working with you.


Anthony Brenneman, CSEE, CTA

Senior Director / (714) 765-2881


Orange County has its own identity, brand, market, and culture. When it comes to sports, that doesn’t change! OCSC strives to create a playing field that all our local private, public and non-profit sectors can come together to champion an innovative climate that impacts our region positively through sports.


  • 1.

    3.5 Million People

    With 3.5 million people living in the OC, we have our own market to carve out and call our own!

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    Keep It Local

    Keeping it local allows us to give 100% of our focus to our residents, venues, teams, and businesses which is what matters most. We stay focused on Orange County rather than our surrounding counties.

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    Be part of our growing regional network of destinations, theme parks, professional sports teams, universities, media, and private corporations, all with a heavy interest in the sports industry.

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    Build OC Foundation

    Help build the foundation for sports tourism in Orange County. Sports Commissions in Los Angeles, San Jose and Phoenix have been around for decades, each is well-established. Orange County has the assets and resources to grow and challenge these other markets for future events.

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    Network & Connect

    Use OCSC programs like the Sports Speaker Series and VIP events as opportunities to network and connect with your fellow peers while building business relationships.

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    Make an Impact

    Support programs that have a powerful social and cultural impact in our community, including the OCSC Scholarship Program and OC Sports Hall of Fame.

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    Show Your OC Support

    A rising tide lifts all boats! Show your support of the sports community in Orange County by becoming a partner.

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    Assist Young Professionals

    Give opportunities to students and aspiring young professionals to grow our sports industry workforce.

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    High Profile Events

    Major events keep on giving and create unparalleled opportunities for locals in communities across our region.

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    Professional Development

    Volunteers are the foundation of successful events. OCSC is creating an elite program that provides volunteers with event experience, professional development and networking opportunities.